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6 Mistakes You Should Avoid While Blogging

No matter the amount of money and time you spend on your blog, you won’t go anywhere far if you don’t identify mistakes that tend to drag you down early after starting your blogging journey. You might not even realize that some behaviors are serious mistakes until you get an eye-opener. Well, ... READ the POST

7 Ways How Using Social Media Helps Get Your Blog Noticed

Many bloggers believe that simply sharing their blog on a social network is enough to get them the required traffic. Well, sorry to disappoint, but using any platform to promote your blog and have many readers react to it, is not easy. But still, social media platforms are lucrative when it comes ... READ the POST

How Often Should You Make Posts on Your Blog?

One question you may ask yourself early on in starting your blog is "How often should I post articles?"  The answer may surprise you! You need to consider a few things when you start to plan how often you will post on your blog or website. What is your schedule like? Do you have a full time job ... READ the POST

8 Tips on How to Choose A Hosting Provider for your Blog

One of the very first decisions that you will make after deciding to start a blog, will be on where you want your blog to be hosted.  But, if your not familiar what web hosting even is, read on. Web Hosting providers provide you the service of making your website easily accessible on the World Wide ... READ the POST

6 Tips on How to Choose the Perfect Domain Name

This is a custom field that allows you to add your affiliate disclaimer to posts that are being sponsored or contain affiliate links.

When it comes to choosing a domain name for your website or blog, it can be time consuming if you allow it.  Let's face it, it's pretty important as it is the first thing about your site that people will see and hear.  You want it to be something your clients or readers can remember ... READ the POST


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Here’s 7 Reasons on Why You Should Start A Blog

This is a custom field that allows you to add your affiliate disclaimer to posts that are being sponsored or contain affiliate links.

So you are thinking about blogging but are unsure about going for it? I've been there, trust me!  But after years of trial and error with blogging, it has developed into a super creative hobby, a source of confidence, and a second income.  If your on the fence about trying it for yourself, I have to ... READ the POST

The Uniqueness of being a black blogger

I started my first blog on July 29th of 2010, not knowing really what to expect. I wanted to do something challenging, something fulfilling, and something fun. I basically needed a new hobby since I had been having a lot of stress that year and wanted to take my mind off of these negative things and ... READ the POST

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